

Crack of Dawn

Illustrated by Jacqueline Davis Moranti

A few months ago I started reading a book called The Secret and Think and Grow Rich. I've never been one to read non fictions but lately I realized I needed to make some changes in my life to achieve the goals that I want to attain. Self help books can be quite life changing when you really absorb the information that you're learning, these books helped me understand what exactly was the power of positivity and how it can influence your life. This got me thinking about what the "successful" people do to get their days started, the way you spend your mornings can determine the mood and the outcome of your day. It's also why I never skip breakfast! Whether you're a morning person or not, we all have to start our day somehow.

Some people might wake up and take a quick browse through social media, check their inboxes, prepare their lunch, the point is that there are thousands of ways that one can spend their mornings before they have to go to work, but I'm interested in learning how a successful person would invest in their wee hours! Sure, there really isn't an ideal morning routine for everyone, but a few tweaks here and there, copying in the same light as someone you admire might help make a difference.

To- Do Lists
Creating a list is easy, effective and a smart hack for your day. I keep a notepad with a pen close by to write down all the tasks that need to get done for today. It's ok if you don't complete all the tasks in one day, it happens to all of us at some point. Good thing is that you can add it to the next day's list.

It's no secret that I love working out and incorporating fitness into my lifestyle, sometimes early morning fitness is what I need to get a great jumpstart to my day. I notice that on the days I do an A.M. workout I don't need caffeine to keep me going. If Anna Wintour can get up at 5:45 every morning for a game of tennis, then it can't be a bad way to start your day!

I know too many people that skip the most important meal of the day, the one that occurs between the hours of 4-11 AM, breakfast! During breakfast, what you eat is what fires up your body and mind for the day ahead. Food gives you energy, especially the nutrient rich choices. Many celebrities and inspiring human beings also go by this fact because it really does help like Eva Chen of Lucky Magazine and Margaret Thatcher, former UK Prime Minister.

I always thought meditating was a waste of time, and also too difficult to fully achieve. You'd be surprise what can happen to your mind and soul when you take time out for yourself to meditate. Reminding yourself of your daily and/ or personal mantras is a great way to start your day and get things done!

Adequate Sleep
As a busy person, who tries to get a lot of things done in one day, I struggle the most with trying to get 8 beautiful hours of sleep. I don't even want to mention how much sleep I get on average! This is actually something that many busy bees struggle with, studies show that having more sleep makes you a more productive person. What I've done to get better at this, is to get what I can do in one day out of the way and not try to do too much. Having a daily To Do List helps with this, and I've gotten more sleep now than I ever have in my adult life!

Everyone wants to be successful, but not everyone knows how to build the ladder to get to that path. Sure, admiring celebrities and influencers can seem a bit vain at times but if you really take a look at what they do to be great, then all that work can really pay off! One of the things I said to myself at the top of 2017 was that it would be the year of great change for me, and by infusing these little tweaks to my routine I've been able to have a great start to my year so far! Dear readers, what does your morning routine look like?

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Thanks for the sweet whispers! XO