

Beauty Bit, Face Framing

Illustrations by Jacqueline Davis Moranti

One might say that eyebrows are having a moment right now. I would agree to disagree, eyebrows have always been a main part of beauty history, dating back to Nefertiti. Since 1360s BC women have been pronouncing their eyebrows as part of their beauty rituals, it's no different than what the women of today are doing. I believe that eyebrows are the main feature to frame a face. Tweeze a bit here, wax a bit there and you can create a very unique look.

I'll admit, I never leave home without properly polished brows. I find it to be my favorite feature. I've stopped plucking and waxing my eyebrows in over two years, I know some of you might be gasping at that statement but honestly not everyone needs to do so. I've fallen into the trap that I have to have thin brows when I was younger, to look beautiful and be accepted. I don't care for that anymore, full brows feel better for me and frame my face better than ever. With the aid of Benefit Cosmetics Brow Zings, I have the brows I've always wanted. 

Also, to show you just how vital brows have been lately, I'll share this video I've found by Jenna Marbles. She "illustrates" what eye brows mean to a lot of women in a very comical, yet informative way. Dear readers, let me know how you feel about eyebrows. Do you think it's an important part of a beauty routine or could you really care less about it?


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Thanks for the sweet whispers! XO