

If I Were A Superhero....

Illustrated by Jacqueline Davis Moranti
As kids, we used to think we were invincible-- heck I'm sure a lot of us still tend to think so! Now that I am older and wiser, and go go through the daily hustle and bustle of life, I encounter successes but also some stumbling blocks that make me realize that the world we live in is not perfect. Sure there are things that you and I can do to persevere and make it a better place for the future generations, yet being human there are things that take time to accomplish and goals that are quite unattainable. These are the moments in which I desire to be a superhero. Have you ever wondered what it is that you would do if you were a superhero?

The desire to jump into a phone booth and change into a super being never ceases to amaze me when I come across one, good thing is that in this day and age there aren't too many of those around! Growing up, the yearn to be a special immortal human being does not fade away but rather it becomes refined, just like how Ironman's suit is much more sophisticated than Superman's spandex.

At the core for many people who wish to be a superhero,  there are two main thoughts, two that ring true for me, which are the desire to be in control and the desire to make life fair. Life has a way of hitting our best pitches foul or we get knocked out by the wild pitch that didn't see coming. I want to be in control. Also, responding to unfairness consumes a lot of emotional energy and time. Life should be fair. I always think back to the times as a young lass asking my parents the whys and hows of the events going on at the time and thinking, 'how could this be?'

If I were a superhero I would propose a few things to my legacy.....

-Make presidential elections a thing of class and dignity, because in the current state of affairs, it certainly isn't!
-Stop bullying
-Feed everyone, because there's always enough to go around

Some people want to be superheroes because they have their own hidden agendas and villainous deeds. A lot of us just want to be saints. Superheroes exist because villains exist. Dear readers, would you use your powers for good or "bad?"

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Thanks for the sweet whispers! XO