

Personal Essay #7

Illustrated by Jacqueline Davis Moranti
Here we are, fully fledged in to the new year. Wow, what a ride this past year has been, 2015, not going to lie, you've been quite a rocky ride! With out the lows you can't get the highs, I am so thankful for a lot, one of those reasons being the people I was able to become friends with. My friends are the reason why I'm the luckiest woman alive. My friends are my support system, family, and I would not be anywhere I am now because of them. My friends fill my life with joy, hope, fun, sincerity and delight. And not long ago, when I endured a logistically challenging situation, I was able to keep a clear head and think straight, only because I knew that no matter what happened, as long as my friends were okay, and as long as I still had them, everything would turn out to be perfectly fine. I've gotten close to some really amazing souls that I know will be with me for the rest of my life.

So much has happened this past year, and I have seen so many awesome places, But there's still so much more I want to do in 2016. I want to build my business. I want to design with my brother. I want to travel more. I want to see my family on a more regular basis. I want to develop myself even more as an artist. I want to keep creating kick-ass content for you all on here. I want to keep meeting people who will make a positive mark on my life. I want to use my work to make more of a difference and support the causes I feel strongly about. And hey, if I find love, awesome, but if not, that's okay, too. I've had my heart broken by boys probably more often in 2015 than any other year of my life (thats city life for you I guess), but I've come out stronger and smarter because of each and every one. But most of all, I want to be happy and I want to live passionately and whole-heartedly. And I want to be patient and clear minded with everything that comes my way. I hope you all hope for beautiful things to happen in 2016 and know that you can get closer to them as long as you work hard and surround yourself with positivity. Failure and bumps just teach you things so you can get closer to what you want. Cheesy, I know, but cheesy is true. It's as easy as that. And it all starts with YOU. Thanks for everything 2015, all the bruises and all the smiles, all the tears and all the laughs. Here's to 2016! 

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Thanks for the sweet whispers! XO