

Personal Essay #3

Illustrated by Jacqueline Moranti

How do you choose your friends? Long lasting friendship, is indeed a blessing. Friends can become pillars of our lives, they can help you stand tall, but they can also break you down. Friendship is one of the most precious gifts in life because it has a way to make life more thrilling, with sweet and pleasant experiences. It all depends on how we choose our friends. 

Friendship is a feeling of love, caring and sharing, it is also a feeling of appreciation for who you are without exaggeration. Friends make you feel like someone and not just a faceless being in the crowd. Through thick and thin is how the old saying goes, it still stands the test of time without delaying. No boundaries, or demarcations of caste, creed, race or gender. 

Friendship is both positive and necessary. One cannot live completely alone, we are all social beings. We need someone to share our joys and our sorrows to, for support when our family isn't cutting it. Ancient Greek philosophers have venerated on the concept of friendship to define and discover what the components for true friendships are. While their answers may not be completely accurate, some of the discovered findings were in agreement that self love and mutual love create the foundation. 

While the kinship of having great friends is an elixir for happiness, we must remember that all that glitters is not gold. Choose your friends carefully because the wrong company can lead you through a bad path. 

True friendship certainly is one of the greatest assets in life. "How can there be life worth living, unless it rests upon the mutual love of friends, a friend is as it  were, a second self." - Cicero, Philosopher. 

1 comment:

  1. Friendships are very essential. I love to keep my personal circle small and it even expands to other states and countries with a pen pal or two. From all the people I was friends with in high school, my best friend is the only one that I still closely talk to and visit. :)

    Vegetarian Courtesy


Thanks for the sweet whispers! XO