


Illustrated by Jacqueline Davis Moranti

For one day of the year, anyone can dress up and act like someone or something else and get away with it. It's a thrilling concept to wake up and dress up like Marilyn Monroe, Katy Perry or slutty Cat Woman and take on that character's persona. I mean haven't you thought it might be fun to be someone else for a day? Just don't go overboard, since being you is what makes you, you! I've heard of stories of people truly wanting to become other characters and going to extreme levels to transform into that character, like the real life Superman or the real life Barbie. What's so special about being a generic, pop culture icon? As a child, I was obsessed with the Jungle Book, I loved the idea of a child befriending the local animals. Mind you, I was 5 years old and an animal lover! I've spent countless Halloween nights dressed as various animals, all of those pictures are thankfully hidden away! I guess I really wanted that character's life but then I grew up and developed a good sense of logic. Moral of the story, just be yourself!
Have fun tonight trick or treating and happy Halloween!

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Thanks for the sweet whispers! XO